Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Puzzel - sticky patch

Life becomes boring.
Steph's mother gave me a puzzel of 2000 pcs. I kill time with it.
Life is like a puzzel, you make it up, patch it since your birth.
One by one.
Some people can make it perfectly, some people gave up halfway.
On this path, we'll have certainly lots of difficulties to affront and to couquer. We have to seek the right direction and carry on from every error.
Till the last piece, when it finishs, that's called intact.

When I started the first piece, he said he'd be ready to take over the remaining 1999 pcs. He knows my patience...
But I know, I couldn't make it up alone myself, that's too depressing.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


photo of Lyon

I didn't update my blog since more than one month and a half. Please see below as my excuses: I didn't have enough time (travelling, settle down in France, lots of administrations to do, cook, housekeeping...); Not easy to re-take my english, anyway I don't speak english anymore in France; I have no amaizing news to tell, life is so quiet in France.

But still want to leave somewords to show that I haven't given up here my blog, as well I didn't and won't give up my friends in Singapore.

I'm coming back.