Friday, March 28, 2008


My two brothers in Singapore, remind me that I'm not alone, Thomas and Lars.

The family of Thomas is my neighbor in Shanghai, and also "was", since we've known each other about 15 yrs ago (or more), and then we all moved to a new district in Shanghai. So I knew him already when he was just two years old maybe...but he says he's forgot such a big sister which is 9-yrs elder than he is. He's studying in Singapore for nearly one year and quite smart this guy. We did have so many things to talk about when we were two, till 2 am one time (in Tioman). I'm not a fortuneteller but I'm sure he'll be a great guy in ten years.

Another elder young brother is from Germany, who speaks excellent english (and also German, Finnish, Russian...) and travelled a lot on earth!! He's intern in my department, actually I can only completely understand his english in my company, which has less accent, compared with Singlish...Sometimes I practise my french with him since he can also understand, that feels cool.

Ok, I don't deny that I'm always admired by young men....hahaha, I like these two brothers.


Face to the fact that I am alone in Singapore, I become more quiet but more optimistic than ever before. But still sometimes I feel upset, being far from my family, my dear friends, my love...I've never been so independant, in my mind, I mean. I desire lots of love lots of care meanwhile I don't know where to find here. I promise my friend that I'd be strong, be steady, in order to become the woman of my dreams: independant, elegant, smiling, steady in purpose...etc.

However I'm still weak, and I'm losing my faith...

With the loneliness.

Stock Market of Shanghai

From last October to this March, from 6000 to 3400, such a good journey, such huge drops...hopelessness.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


Here is...hummm...B.F.

Not boyfriend la! Here's Betty Francesca S. so we call her Betty? B.F.? BFS? whatever...hahhaaaa!

She came from Jakarta, Indonesia and she's a programmer !(how come!!) but specialize in design, photography and drawing (how come!!!)

Her employee number is 8936 when mine is 8935 (before her!). She works next door room #03-03 when mine is #03-02 (always before her!). We signed the company contracts at the same time. "Yuan" (not "Yuen") let us to meet at the first time then become good friends.

She speaks English very well (better than me) and also Indonesian (understand nothing), and maybe some other dialects...she asks me to teach her Chinese, certainly I agree, but we haven't begun our first lesson. - -!

But actually I already begin to learn Photoshop with her! Yes, she's a great teacher in photography and photo editing.

She's Christian, she's used to praying before lunch. (sorry betty but the first time we had lunch together you closed your eyes before eating, I thought you were ill or something else..)

She's a little elder than me, single, maybe will be caught by a Singaporean man later...hahhaaa

Anyway, she's a great friend, a big sister, nice to meet you Betty.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Vacations in Pulau Tioman

This was my first vacation since I began to work in Singapore, obviously I already hardly wait to travel to other countries around Singapore. (althrough Spore is quite beautiful, I prefer anyway more orignal countries like Vietnam, Malaysia or Indonesia. I love to meet local people and appreciate their cultures, food, architecture etc.)

Pulau Tioman is famous as one of the most beautiful island in the world, but actually it's not very developped (if we compare with Bali in Indonesia or Sanya in China), of cause, its size is also much smaller than the others. There're about 8 villages (or resorts) in the island, but only three of them are well built for tourism. The village we stayed in: Salang, is quite nice and well developped, with lots of chalets, a few restaurents & bars. It's totally different from Sanya, which is covered by star hotels and big swimming pools.

Nothing can be more confortable than swimming in the sea seeing the sunset!

Entertainments in the island: certainly diving & snorkeling, to see the colorful world underwater, I was so surprised to know that it exists corals of different colors, red, green, violet, beige...I saw as well some fishes in flash blue or flash purple, amazing! It was not the first I did diving but still impressive. But several times I was a little scared under water, since some place is very low then I could easily touch the coral, even the sea urchin! And also, some times I swimmed to a new place which looks horrible and it's possible to appear something in front of me suddenly(or just I was worrying about it).

Malay people (both original malaysien and chinese) are very sympa (enthusiastic in french), I feel easily with them than Singaporean people. We ate special malaysia breafast but I didn't love very much. Good memory of this vacation, I've got my tan skin.

PS. Thanks Betty for the tamplet.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Heaven is a place nearby

(photo from

I was shocked, I felt distressed, I was angry.

A chinese student was killed in early morning in Paris last Sunday, in a conflict provocated by some north africain guys, effrontery. At the very first time, neither the french governement nor chinese governement did anything! Especially when the french police arrived, he was still alive, but they left him and his body on the ground during 5 hours seeing the blood flowing in the rain, even if the ambulance arrived but did nonthing for first aid.

A life of 25 yrs has gone, we wish him to find the peace and joy in heaven. But the discrimination on our earth would never end.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Why still living in Pasir Ris

I came back from a walk in Pasir Ris Park, watching the nice sunset. Lots of people in the park today, joggers, cyclists...others are building tents or having barbecue parties on the beach. It has been raining in Singapore for one week, just stopped today, so everyone is out!

Many friends are wondering why I'm still living in Pasir Ris, far from my work (1 hour by bus). Well here are the reasons: the sea, the park, the beach, the peace. Being far from the city center and shopping malls, life should be more interesting with sports, reading or other leisures, photography, for ex.

A good sea-view through my window, if the weather is fine, I could be watching people playing in water park when I was taking a shower! It's very funny that, when you see people enjoying themselves, you can also be so happy!

Alright, A530 vs EOS 400D

I admit that I'm one of the fans of Canon, when I bought my A530 with little consideration two years ago, I told myself just re-start my photography life with this small, cheap but polyvalent camera, This camera which has been accompanying me during my stay in France is both auto focus and manual focus, however, I never used manual focus even though I've studied on it.

I began to learn photography with my father when I was 8 yrs old, holding an old heavy traditional camera. I did make nice photos at that moment even they were black-white. I was proud of that.

Since I came to Singapore, I met two nice girls : Betty and Shanna, one is my colleague, another is a girl I alreday knew when I was in France but never met. Both of them own a EOS 400D, I admire...not only for 400D but also for their courage to learn how to use it and keep photographing their life and their travels.

Before I save enough money to buy a 400D to join them, I begin here, my photography blog with my little 530.