Saturday, March 15, 2008

Alright, A530 vs EOS 400D

I admit that I'm one of the fans of Canon, when I bought my A530 with little consideration two years ago, I told myself just re-start my photography life with this small, cheap but polyvalent camera, This camera which has been accompanying me during my stay in France is both auto focus and manual focus, however, I never used manual focus even though I've studied on it.

I began to learn photography with my father when I was 8 yrs old, holding an old heavy traditional camera. I did make nice photos at that moment even they were black-white. I was proud of that.

Since I came to Singapore, I met two nice girls : Betty and Shanna, one is my colleague, another is a girl I alreday knew when I was in France but never met. Both of them own a EOS 400D, I admire...not only for 400D but also for their courage to learn how to use it and keep photographing their life and their travels.

Before I save enough money to buy a 400D to join them, I begin here, my photography blog with my little 530.

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